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Add personal messages upon competion of custom number of Pomodoro's

2020/06/12 @ 18:29

Hi, I love the app. it has become my goto for Pomodoro tracking and readily executable todo's.

I wish it were possible to add a personalized message upon the completion of a certain number of Pomodoro's.

For example: Let's say I complete 3 Pomodoro's, then I want the app to display the message, "congratulations! You have now earned the right to watch one Call of Duty YouTube-video" to act as a reinforcement of the habit.

I imagine it working like "Killstreaks" in Call of Duty,

The reward for 3 Pomodoro's: One YouTube-video. The reward for 5 Pomodoro's: Play two games of Call of Duty Multiplayer. The reward for completing 12 Pomodoro's: You get to play the rest of the evening.

I hope you will consider my suggestion or improve upon it. This is just my idea on how to incorporate rewards to make Pomotodo the one-stop-shop for evidence-based productivity enhancement.

1 replys
Huaiadmin2020/06/15 @ 15:05


Thanks for your appreciation of Pomotodo. We will take your suggestions into consideration earnestly.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards.
