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The time break isn’t right 休息时长不对

2020/04/23 @ 14:52

There exists a disturbing error, that more often than not when I finished two promos, the breaking time appeared to be 15 minutes, and sometimes when I consecutively finished 4 pomos, the breaking time remained to be 5 minutes. It is really disturbing and has existed for quite a long time, hoping technicians could address it. 很多时候在我完成了两份番茄时,休息时长变成了15分钟,并且在一个番茄完成之后依然是十五分钟,而有些时候当我连续完成了四个番茄时,休息时长还是5分钟。此问题已经存在很长一段时间了,希望技术人员能够解决一下。

1 replys
Huaiadmin2020/04/27 @ 14:06


“连续”是指番茄间隔时间不超过一次长休息时长。(间隔时间是指从上一个番茄钟提交,到下一个番茄钟开启;长休息时长默认是 15 分钟,高级版以具体设置为准。)



