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Pomotodo Desktop Very Slow on Mac

2018/01/02 @ 0:28

Pomotodo Desktop is very slow on my Mac, not sure why this might be.

9 replys
Huaiadmin2018/01/03 @ 14:33


Could you please tell us the version number of the App?

Best regards.

anonymoususer2018/01/04 @ 1:54

3.4.2 ᐧ

All the best, Kinnard Hockenhull Founder + CEO, BitBox Get Bitcoin

Huaiadmin2018/01/04 @ 20:38

Thanks for your feedback.

This issue has been communicated to the developer. We will improve performance in the future version.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards.

anonymoususer2018/01/04 @ 23:15

I'm a actually curious what aspect of the app is leading to the performance lag. I write software and i'm just starting learning profiling.

-- All the best, Kinnard Hockenhull Founder + CEO, BitBox Get Bitcoin

anonymoususer2018/01/06 @ 5:50

I have also experienced this, both on 3.4.2 and 3.5.0-pre4

anonymoususer2018/01/06 @ 6:42

(I hit submit too early above).

My app reliably freezes at the end of a pomo. It says "Syncing..." and CPU hits 100%. It appears to be a memory leak. I have "sync pomo status" checked.

best, Andrew

Daniel Berndtuser2018/03/29 @ 16:48

I'm also on 3.4.2 (MacOS 10.12.6) and there seems to be a serious memory leak: The app required 3GB+ of RAM after running for several weeks.

anonymoususer2018/04/04 @ 1:51

me too, it's super annoying

shuoyangduser2018/04/26 @ 2:01

I'm experiencing this as well. At version 3.4.2 and Mac OS 10.12.6.
