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How to link todo with pomo

If the current todo links with the submitting pomo, the base colour of the todo will be green and this todo description will be added to the pomo description input box automatically.

Automatically linked

Some todos will link with the current pomo automatically.

For instance, the first pin todo, todos link with the last pomo but not completed and completed todos(ticked todos) during the current pomo.

Manually linked

Apart from the automatically link, there still are two ways to link the todo with pomo manually:

  1. Click todo description
    Note that click the todo description will not change the todo status.
    If you need several pomos to complete a todo, only click the todo description to link with the pomo when submitting a pomo.
    In this way, your todo can easily fill the pomo description but leave it as uncompleted.

  2. Ticked a todo
    After ticked a todo, the todo will mark as completed and be added to the pomo description.
    A normal todo will be put on the todo history while the remind todo will be put off.

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